Great information as always. Our company called the absolute bottom in July. We said we were a month or two away from the absolute bottom and that was the case. Also remember that these official numbers and prices are low. They are just based on official stated prices on the escritura but there are still many people that declare a fake lower price at closing. So you have to take these amounts/prices with a grain of salt. Many are much higher.

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Yes you nailed it! But these are listing prices, so real prices will be around here or lower (not many buyers are overbidding yet)

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Yes, that's true on the listing prices. Still, we see prices move up at a better pace now and sales activity is also increasing. Mortgages while small are also going through now.

This is the first time that some developers are turning away USD up front and want to sell with CAC only. Still, we were able to successfully lock in the price with USD on a new development but had to pay 50% up front in order to lock the price with no inflation.

Construction costs have gone through the roof the past few months. Prices are definitely heading up. Land prices have also gone way up. We have been trying to buy land around Recoleta and Palermo and prices have shot up. People are turning down great offers.

When you see land prices go up like this, you will see values go up too.

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Yes that's true about the CAC preference, I've been seeing that too and deals not going through because the sellers see prices going up during negotiations.

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Yes, exactly about the prices going up during negotiations. That's what we meant when we said prices are heading up. People think they will be able to negotiate discounts but that isn't the case. Most of these developers are raising prices so they look at it as giving you a discounted rate just giving you this week's price.

You must be loving this blue dollar so high Mara! It must have been painful during the 1,000 to $1 US a few months ago. It will be interesting to see how high the blue dollar goes.

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Yes, we are finally going back to normal BA prices in USD with regards to costs of living

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