Sovereign Individuals detected in Argentina?
Could you disappear if you wanted to? One of the weirdest stories in Argentina
Welcome Avatar! Today we will be touching on another crazy story that passed my timeline this week: A couple and four children travelling without any form of ID were pulled over on an Argentine highway by police. They declared themselves "citizens of the world" and refused to show identification, and got arrested shortly after. That is just the start.
It started with a San Luis roadtrip
Last week 2 adults and 4 children were intercepted in the San Luis area of Las Palomas, located in the north of the province during a routine police check. Police officers flagged a gray Honda CRV truck down after seeing it had an illegal license plate, which only said "private property."
Technically correct, but when the vehicle arrived at the police post carrying that license plate, you can bet the yuta (police) was directly on high alert.
When asked why they were driving without a valid license plate, the man replied: "The original plate was issued in Chile and taken off. The car is an earthly vehicle (terranave)."
The police asked the couple to identify themselves, but the travellers could not present any valid national identity document or passport.
After a while they presented the police with a weird identification card that said: "Universal Pass (universal pass) CESTUI QUE VIE 2022", a phrase that alludes to a legal construction that dates back to England in 1666, when an entire population was declared dead after a devastating fire (you can read the Act here).
Autist note: Cestui que vie is French for "he who lives", and is a phrase that can indicate an individual beneficiary of different types of trusts, and the ownership of a property or dividends for the duration that person’s life.
The couple was traveling with four children aged 11, 8, 5 and 2, who they claimed were their children. However, since there was no ID or identity documents to be found except for that “ALL THE WORLD” universal pass (lol), police could not establish the family affiliation.
The couple identified themselves as "citizens of the world" and as members of a group that does not recognize national or international laws or territorial boundaries.
When the police officers asked the driver to identify himself, he replied that he considered himself "a self-determined living being" and that they could call him Sergio, adding that they were driving from Mendiolaza (Córdoba province) to San Luis, to visit a relative.
Given the lack of documentation proving their identity and the “private property” license plate without a registration number, the agents from the provincial border post notified their superiors and the couple and children were transferred to a police station to the nearby town of Villa Mercedes.
Trust me, it gets even crazier.
Citizens of the world get help from a US source
A federal judge of Villa Mercedes ordered a virtual hearing with the couple last week.
According to judge Carlos Nacul: "They ended up denying that the Justice department had any authority whatsoever and ignored all of us who were in the hearing. They directly got up and left the room.”
“They believe that they are citizens of the world and do not recognize any judicial authority. They did not recognize me as a judge or the prosecutor as a prosecutor, so we had to provide the ex officio defense of Jalil and Dr. Pastor for the minors, in order to guarantee the rights of defense."
"We do not know who they are, where they come from or where they are going. Our concern, beyond the lack of identification and collaboration of adults, is the situation of minors. My obligation is to preserve the life and health of children because this is what the law, the National Constitution and the international treaties incorporated into the Constitution oblige me to do".
When asked about the case, federal prosecutor Cristian Rachid pointed out that "We still have pending measures with regards to the minors and a Provincial Juvenile Court is also intervening," adding that "for their protection, for now we will give information until the situation is clarified, we will report back with more details.”1
During that same hearing, the woman limited herself to interrupting the federal authorities saying that she did not recognize their authority. Meanwhile her partner (Sergio) was filming. This footage was later uploaded to social networks by a woman who identified on Facebook as Patricia Funes, residing in San Rafael, Mendoza.
On her ZuckBook profile, Funes assures she is a Law and Economic Sciences professor, with a PhD from the University of Maryland; in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States, and in Law from the University of Baltimore, Maryland.2
Funes organizes an online trial of her own
Funes started broadcasting a kind of live trial before the "International Court of the People" against all those who intervened in the procedure in Las Palomas, against the Argentine State and against the government of San Luis. Apparently this women really has an issue with government authorities.
Last Friday she posted “Sergio and An, finally released"3. One of the comments on the post stood out:
"the DNI (ID card) is a trust of the State and not her real identity, identifying with that fiction makes her responsible for responsibilities of the State.
Their way of living (Sergio and An, sic) is according to freedom, natural law, not according to legal fictions invented to perpetuate this system of slaves where they force you to pay, with your money, freedom, and effort, for whatever social contracts they want to establish through documentation."4
If Sergio and An were doing nothing wrong, and the kids were theirs, technically they should have the right to not show any ID at all. However, the big issue here is the kids.
Kids get abducted all the time, and you have to be able to prove kids are yours, unfortunate as that may be for self determined earth dwellers like An and Sergio.
Final considerations
It’s not the smartest course of action to decide to completely opt out of society in a place where technically, you could still be called out for non-compliance. That kind of stuff ends with you in jail, as we’ve seen above.
However, labelling yourself as a citizen of the world and acting upon it by completely ignoring the rules of the Nation state, does appeal to my sense of individual sovereignty and the DGAF attitude of these people is laudable from that perspective.
A more plausible explanation could be that they’re part of some sort of sect (would also explain the weird lawyer lady intervening on their behalf).
The whole background of seems a bit too hippie for my taste — “citizens of the world” might sound like Woodstock boomer cringe, but at the same time: wasn’t that just a different naming convention for sovereign individuals sprinkled with flowers?
It raises an important point: why do we have to abide by any rules except for the natural laws of not hurting other people or stealing their private property?
Some might call Mara an ancap fanatic, but I am increasingly becoming more anti State as the CBDC and Digital ID train slowly starts rolling into the station.
We are way too visible, and get indexed all the time. The algorithms are becoming an increasingly important part of our lives, and eventually it will be next to impossible to vanish without a trace.
This is the most basic human right if you think about it deeply, and the mechanisms implemented by Nation State over time to increase surveillance and control over its residents and citizens will make this an increasingly unattainable goal.
From a personal perspective my goal is clear: try to plant as many little flags in this rules based order, to increase my sovereign individual stack by having more optionality if push comes to shove.
That way I can show you one ID or another, depending on the situation, without having to print some made up earth dweller card based on a 1666 law that could land me in jail.
See you in the Jungle, anon!
Translated from Spanish: “Terminaron por negar la actuación de la Justicia y por desconocer a todos los que estuvimos en la audiencia, y directamente se levantaron y retiraron de la sala en la que estaban”
[…] “estamos aún con medidas pendientes sobre niños y niñas y también está interviniendo un juzgado Provincial de Menores que dispuso las suyas”
[…]"No sabemos quiénes son, de dónde vienen ni a dónde van. Nuestra preocupación, más allá de la falta de identificación y de colaboración de los adultos, es la situación de los menores. Mi obligación es preservar la vida y salud de los niños porque así me obliga la ley, la Constitución Nacional y los tratados internacionales incorporados a la Constitución".
[…] “por protección de ellos y ellas, por ahora no daremos información hasta que la situación se aclare y esté asegurada, cuando se informará con más precisión”.
This is not all she claims, just check on this CV: she is supposedly a tenured professor of Law and Natural Law, Maritime Law, UCC, Canon Law, Customary Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Procedural Law, Labor Law, Family Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights and Economic Sciences in its own Private Institute for Useful Careers and Business Training (Icuce), and teaches virtual courses.
Unfortunately I could not find this woman’s profile, I took the info directly from the news source.
Translated from Spanish: "el DNI es un fideicomiso del Estado y no suyo, identificarse con esa ficción la hace responsable de responsabilidades del Estado"
"Su manera de vivir es desde la libertad, la ley natural, no desde ficciones legales inventadas para perpetuar este sistema de esclavos donde te obligan a pagar, con su dinero, con su libertad, con su esfuerzo, por los contratos que se les antoje establecer a través de la documentación"
Big Ron Swanson "I can do what I want" energy
What an interesting story! Any idea what happened to them? I can't find any online articles since the original story was published back in April