Jun 18, 2023Liked by BowTiedMara

My soul heals when reading this lines. There are other people out there that believe in the eventual breakup of the EU? Nation states a flawed concept? Feeling trapped because every little mistake could get punished? Gosh, Mara, you're speaking to my heart. I'm also in the process of leaving a very safe highGDP country in the EU by setting up residency in PY and literally everbody thinks I'm freaking crazy and I only tell this to my conspiracy theorists friends and even they think I'm nuts LOL your blog is totally underrated

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Thank you so much for your kind words Julia, they make it all worth it!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by BowTiedMara

I don't see the EU holding up in this manner for many years longer. Being trapped is my exact feeling. Falling or choosing to stay outside of the norm here in even smaller ways should not make you feel like you are making mistakes. It's gone too far when you pretty much know the punishment for all of them even though you haven't made any. We're headed for a stasi Germany in my country when it comes to control and surveillance. We're very digitized and almost all contact via phone or Internet with authorities, banks, insurance companies and big corporations are authenticated with digital IDs. Even the telephone calls are recorded. Maybe it's common practice in other countries? I've thought about South America for many years but today, my reasons for it are very different. I'm glad to see that others are looking in the same directions for similar reasons.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by BowTiedMara

I was in Paraguay and I was in the Balkans (Serbia). Both of those countries represent to me a world much different than the EU. If you feel trapped, go visit those countries and you might find (different kinds of) freedom there. Having the EU passport is great but that is about it for me. As soon as I get a second income stream or ramp up enough savings I'm out for good. Next visit: Argentina

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by BowTiedMara

I haven't been in any of those countries yet but I can see the potential in them. Unfortunately they are land locked countries. When speaking about different kinds of freedom, access to a coast can be that. When I come to think about it I haven't been to a country without a coast. But I did go to Argentina many years ago and it stuck with me so I would like to go back and maybe also investigate any options of relocating. A little bit of chaos and lag in digital adoption seems to leave some room for personal freedom :-) Which is highly underrated. Violent crime is something I would like to avoid, especially since a have a kid. Sorry to see BowTiedMara (maybe you're reading) got mugged for his phone. Luckily without physical harm from what I understand. There are no thieves here any more, thieves used to run away after committing the crime. Had it happened here I wouldn't bet on getting away without physical harm. If applying for permanent residency I guess an active income stream is necessary for a proof of income.

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Apr 2Liked by BowTiedMara

What is happening in the EU is downright scary! It's a shame to see that happening. Countries like Argentina are going to become extremely desirable and it's already happening with many from Russia moving there. If you have USD/Euros or foreign currency saved, Argentina is a dream.

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Apr 2Liked by BowTiedMara

Great article and spot on target. Private property has always been respected in Argentina. People thought I was completely crazy to start buying up massive amounts of residential and commercial real estate in Buenos Aires after the corralito in 2002. But I took a look at the laws and history and property rights are respected there.

I also talked to several politicians that I met and one thing I noticed was they owned MASSIVE amounts of real estate. So did their families (immediate and extended families). As well as all their friends.

Argentina is a chaotic country but those that can arbitrage off this craziness and inefficiency will always come out ahead in a country like Argentina.

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