Another great article! Keep up the great work. You make some great points in it especially about with locals patience only lasting so long. I moved to Argentina not long after the corralito and ex-President Fernando de la Rua's office was in the same building as my office. We had 2 floors in the building and his law firm was wedged between my floors.
I remember the hatred people had for that guy. I'd have employees that wouldn't ride in the same elevator as him and I remember seeing an old lady spitting in his face outside of my building.
It is ugly when people's patience wears off. I am glad to see so far, locals seem patient and know things will probably get worse before they get better.
Thanks man! Yeah one positive detail vs De La Rua is that Milei is a lot more popular than De La Rua ever was, so that’s why I think the patience will last longer. My estimate is that around May/June we could start to see positive impacts; the main item to improve is salary levels
Definitely a different situation with De La Rua but I still felt sorry for that guy. I hope we see all of the positive impacts. The level of corruption and systemic rot being uncovered by Milei and his team is even worse than anyone could imagine.
Salary levels will have to go up. But it's been amazing to see the patience people are showing. I watch the media where all those stations are trying to find people on the street live trying to complain but it's funny most of them are saying they will be patient.
So unreal that people expect results in 100 days. It's never gonna happen if people think 2 years is a long time.
Another great article! Keep up the great work. You make some great points in it especially about with locals patience only lasting so long. I moved to Argentina not long after the corralito and ex-President Fernando de la Rua's office was in the same building as my office. We had 2 floors in the building and his law firm was wedged between my floors.
I remember the hatred people had for that guy. I'd have employees that wouldn't ride in the same elevator as him and I remember seeing an old lady spitting in his face outside of my building.
It is ugly when people's patience wears off. I am glad to see so far, locals seem patient and know things will probably get worse before they get better.
Thanks man! Yeah one positive detail vs De La Rua is that Milei is a lot more popular than De La Rua ever was, so that’s why I think the patience will last longer. My estimate is that around May/June we could start to see positive impacts; the main item to improve is salary levels
Definitely a different situation with De La Rua but I still felt sorry for that guy. I hope we see all of the positive impacts. The level of corruption and systemic rot being uncovered by Milei and his team is even worse than anyone could imagine.
Salary levels will have to go up. But it's been amazing to see the patience people are showing. I watch the media where all those stations are trying to find people on the street live trying to complain but it's funny most of them are saying they will be patient.